Positive Behaviour Support
No Behaviour is too challenging for us.
SCC believes in the potential of every individual and giving a chance to everyone to improve their quality of life. We are committed to supporting people to improve their quality of life and reach their personal potential.
We have had unprecedented response in making a positive change in people living with complex and challenging behaviours. We will build on your strengths, and within your positive behaviour support plan to reduce frequency and severity of any challenging behaviours.
We regularly reflect on individual behaviour support plans against individual outcomes to ensure that our support meets individual needs and achieves intended outcomes.
Are you finding it hard to find support to manage complex and challenging behaviours? With highly trained and experienced staff, we will work with practitioners, to support you with any challenging behaviours.
We work with participants of all ages, stages and needs, to ensure that you receive the support need to improve your quality of life.
Call us on 0434104447 for more information or email us at info@supercommunitycare.com.au